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Shamanic Shadow Work course




2nd Friday of e/month (3-4hrs)

About the Course

This is open to all participants, its a space to do Shadow work, learn the techniques so you can do them on your own, and make yourself accountable to doing the work, if shadow work on your own seems to lack the community support that sometimes can make it manageable.

We will be working in the astral plane, being guided but Tina, and each experience will be a different, teachinga. different set of tools adn techniques to do work with your subconscious.

This is designed to help you change your limited beliefs, outdated patterns, relationship with others, yourself, and allow you to transform your circumstances and responses.

It is the first step to actually learn to love and value yourself.

This can have deep changing effects in you, including your fears, and psychological responses in different circumstances.

It is deep healing work, you each do individually on your own, while being guided through the experience.

This is why group sessions are a great thing, since the work is so in depth, it is important to have a space that allows you to commit to do the work, that sometimes its daunting, because its so deeply ingrained in our being.

Things to always bring to these classes:


-Journal or somewhere to write about your experience

-Clothes and blankets to be comfortable and warm

Your Instructor



Tina has been a Reiki Practitioner for over 10 yrs a Tarot reader for over 20 yrs, and has been practicing with energy work for over 23 years.

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