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SJ handcrafted products

With all our ongoing changes and our Store line currently expanding, we have decided to set up a very  simple format for our online shop, with only our brand.


Please feel free to call us for anything you specifically are searching for, we can facilitate video calls, and ship anything you need.



All products below are crafted on when the stars and moon align, and have a limited quantites, until the timing is auspicious to be re-crafted.

SJ Prayer candles

Prosperity scented candles are meant to be used in prayer for abundance, wealth and luck.

Ideal to be used in the waxing cycle fo the moon.

Made with soy wax, essential oils, and herbs that are traditionally connected with this prayer candles intention


Disclaimer: These intention candles are crafted for personal reflection and focus. We do not claim any magical properties or guaranteed outcomes.


Road opening scented candles are meant to be used while praying for solutions, new beginnings, challenges to be overcome, or removed, events to be set in motion.

Ideal to be used in the waning cycle fo the moon.

Made with soy wax, essential oils, and herbs that are traditionally connected with this prayer candles intention


Disclaimer: These intention candles are crafted for personal reflection and focus. We do not claim any magical properties or guaranteed outcomes.


SJ  Intention Bathsalts

Road opening scented bathsalts are meant to be used in a bath or shower, (in a jug) while praying for solutions, new beginnings, challenges to be overcome, or removed, events to be set in motion.

Ideal to be used in the waning cycle fo the moon.

Made with dead sea salt, essential oils, and herbs (no fragrance) that are traditionally connected with this prayer intention.


Disclaimer: These bathsalts are crafted for personal reflection and focus. We do not claim any magical properties or guaranteed outcomes.


SJ  Intention Sprays

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